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 In the world there are more than 500 million motorcycle users, but only a few have the knowledge, skills and abilities that allow them to be qualified as profesional motorcyclists.


This course will allow you to make the transition from intuition to method

Learn how to buy Certified Personal Protection Elements that reduce the severity of injuries by up to 90%.

Evaluate motorcycles for their level of safety and technological features

Know the necessary driving techniques: Posture, Braking, Avoidance of obstacles, Low and high speed maneuvers, y  gaze projection

Take the step from motorcycle user to professional rider here.

RiderID is the only global system that certifies motorcyclist skills under high international standards, recognizing and rewarding motorcycling professionals.

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We invite you to belong to the largest global community of certified motorcyclists and enjoy the benefits of being a motorcycling leader.

Ranking of Safe Motorcycles

98% of motorcycles sold in America, Asia and Africa are prohibited for sale in Europe due to their technological obsolescence. Using this simple procedure you can check the safety level of your motorcycle

Motorcycle Ranking 
Security Ranking
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